Search Results
Spitfires vs. Bf-109s at the White Cliffs - - - - By Søren Dalsgaard
Spitfire vs Bf-109 over Folkestone - - - - By Søren Dalsgaard
Spitfire vs. two Bf-110s - - - by Søren Dalsgaard
Cliffs of Dover, Online Victory against 3 bf109s with the Spitfire
Spitfire scramble from Hawkinge - - - - By Søren Dalsgaard
Broken wing, Hurri vs. Bf-109 - - - - By Søren Dalsgaard
Bf-109 t/o from Guines - - - - By Søren Dalsgaard
Bf-109 going up vs. Wellingtons . . . . By Søren Dalsgaard
Spitfire kills two He-115s & is attacked - - - by Søren Dalsgaard
Bf-109 dogfighting Hurricanes off Calais - - - by Søren Dalsgaard
Spitfires MkII vs Messerschmitt 109
Spitfires MkII vs BF109 over Dover